By the end of a long day cutting hair, the pain in Charles's hip and lower back got so bad he could barely move or stand, and he would have to stop in the middle of giving a haircut to hold onto the counter until the pain backed off. Charles would frequently take two Aleve tablets to make it through the day. His doctor diagnosed bursitis in his right hip joint. Charles had been a barber for 40 years; he loved having his own independent business and barbershop. Yet, he was feeling discouraged about his diagnosis. Bursitis can be severely limiting, even crippling. The pain was getting so bad he feared for his ability to continue working to make a living. He felt like he was at the end of his rope and was seriously considering taking Social Security disability. Charles loves spending the day talking to people and encouraging them while he cuts their hair; this is a great social connection for him.
When Charles came in for his first session, the assessment revealed severely limited mobility in his lower back and right hip. I released the adhesions in his hip, sacrum, and spine. I stretched the tight muscles and fascia in his hips and low back. I significantly increased his mobility in the first session. I taught him home self-care exercises to maintain the benefits gained in each session by stretching tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles.

When you have had chronic pain for an extended time, it's necessary to do regular orthopedic massage sessions for a while to recondition and stabilize the body. It's equally essential for the client to do their self-care exercises and stretches at home to maintain the progress gained in each session. The corrective exercises for each client are always specific to address their chronic pain condition. As a certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, I create a routine of corrective exercises for each client that explicitly addresses their chronic pain and keeps it from coming back.
Since Charles came for treatment five years ago, he has been able to work all day standing and cutting hair without pain. And he continues to do his self-care corrective exercises as needed to maintain his stability. On a personal note, he enjoys spending the day talking to his clients with his positive and encouraging attitude.
If chronic pain limits your ability to do the things you love in life, come by for a session and see what orthopedic massage can do for you.